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PS4 is the absolute best engineered console to date, it's the fastest games console to date, has the most efficient design, using one APU and one pool of very fast memory, with ample storage capacity for it's design.

The CPU is plenty for the GPU in the system.
People that argue differently forget or just plain don't realize that the GPU is the most capable general math processor to date.
As far as gaming is concerned the GPU can handle AI, Physics and Audio alongside graphics and PS4's is the most capable design of any console to date, in all of these areas.

From a reliability POV I've not heard of any PS4's failing (obviously there must be some, just from a manufacturing efficiency POV), it's made by the same company as any modern console, namely Foxconn, they have business from all console platform holders right now, so reliability should be equal across all of those platforms.

Looking at the performance of hardware, ease of development, reliability I think PS4 is unquestionably the best engineered console too date.