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As long as they dont sell it for as much as WWHD I am all for it

60 for a remaster is to much better bundle 3 games for 60

"HD remasters have continued to fill release schedules over the past couple of years,"
I have to disagree with the first sentence lol   
WWHD = HD remaster YES

All the other crap collections be it GOW collection or Devil May Cry collection or Splinter Cell etc  all of that is a cheap direct port running with higher resolution  half of the games even stutter as bad or worse than on the original console and most of them run at 720p   its just a fast "milk job" has nothing to do with remastering. I mean the bluray version of a DVD movie also is NOT a remaster

Halo Anniversary Edition was a remaster (and one of the best simply because of that "press select to see retro look"-feature which was awesome and every remaster should have that)

Well anyways if Nintendo does remasters they should dial back on the fucking 2003 bloom effect. Its ugly its crap and every game that has it  MK8 SM3DW and especially WWHD would look much much crisper and colorful without that crap (I mean why make WW HD when its completely blurred because of bloom?)