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See I don't mind this as much because I don't go mod heavy on all my games, I don't go for every mod and even then I feel some modders deserve to be paid for the hard work and effort they put into their mods, those that are in it for a cheap buck won't make that cheap buck if their mods are shit and will only get muscled out by those that do make good mods both free and paid for and that's a good thing because eventually the bad cheap mods will get pushed back while the better mods take the spotlight.

Only bad thing out of all this is Valve/Bethesda taking 75%, Valve already take that much from TF2 creations as well as a cut for each game sold on Steam including the selling of cards and emotes which I find is more than enough for them so this is Valve getting greedy.

But this is just on Steam so really it;s not such a abd doom and gloom thing for PC gamers, just some but not all and even then there are mods for free scattered over multiple decidated mod sites like Nexus, not every modder is going to suddenly charge for their mods anyway.

I also can't wait for this to be taken in such a major bad way that it will be used for future ammo of "I don't like/want to get into PC gaming", I wouldn't even try going there with this.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"