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@Happy True, or so I COULD believe. I'm still impressed with Valve, I think steam is friggin amazing don't get me wrong, but the fact that anytime something new comes out, the first person in line to bitch about it is Gabe, the man just doesn't seem to like change. Valve used to be the un-tamed mustang to me, they seemed WILLING to tackle any project, they seemed to WANT to learn tricks and shortcuts and just be they're good ol' amazing self. The Valve that I had immagined would have wanted to be one of the first developers on cell technology, they were the guru's of the programing world, but when they let Gabe just sit around and constantly bitch about every other thing, it just massively discredits them in my opinion, I mean they're probably still good, but no where near the level that people hold them at anymore. I think it's just the seeming lack of drive to learn thats killing me about them :( They were one of the few developers that honestly felt like they enjoyed the thrill of the hunt more than the kill it'self y'know.

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