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Fable 1 was mediocre: bad story/lore, too short, too easy, the romance was as shallow as possible, and the supposed main feature (aging) was immersion-breaking.

I have no faith in Molyneux and I was a big fan of Bullfrog (I have Theme hospital and Dungeon Keeper 2)

Fable 2 has too much competition this year. It might get 2008 Console RPG of the Year if Fallout 3 starts sucking even more than it seems right now. However the PC has ALOT more anticipated RPGs than Fable 2:

- Dragon Age
- Mass Effect
- Space Siege
- The Witcher: Enhanced Edition
- World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King
- Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning
- Age of Conan

I doubt Fable 2 is going to get above the PC RPGs