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Cant help but agree with the blogger about the Wii. Wow it has sold, but where are the great games produced for the Wii that really use the WiiMote. I mentioned this in a thread I created.

The last really good Wii game that was made to use the WiiMote was MP3. SMG motion controls were tacked on, SSBB better with standard controls (Dont even think that it use motion controls), MarioKart WII better with standard controls (According to the reviewers), WiiFit adds a new peripheral.

So still the poster child game for the WiiMote is WiiSports. Some of you will throw in RE4:Wii, but I believe RE4:Wii is the problem not the solution. Publishers saw how well a last gen port with new controls will do on the Wii so they are minimizing investments.

Its libraries that sell systems not a single game.