gamemaster4747 said: Seriously, the forums have been very Nintendo driven lately. As big a failure as Wii U is, it doesn't make sense. I am talking sales wise, not that it has terrible games. As much as I dislike Xbox, it would make more sense to talk about it more. Of course PS is the most successful, so why not more Sony talk? Maybe 3DS, but a lot of Wii U posts are posted. If Nintendo is so interesting, why isn't it selling Wii U's and 3DS' like hotcakes and crushing Sony and MS? |
Did you ever consider that Nintendo is just more compelling to discuss than that of Sony and Microsoft? Microsoft and Sony are set in ways, they're following the same pattern they've followed since Xbox vs PS2. Honestly, Sony and Microsoft are more the same than not the same. If there's a sony story, there's a microsoft comparison. When Sony announced VR controller, Microsoft VR controller. Move and Kinect. HD and Blu-ray. Gears and Resistance. Cod on xbox and Cod on ps. I mean come on, Xbox 360 and PS3, PS4 and XBox1, all numbers. Which hard core game console are you talking about when you mention a super-graphic, photorealistic rendering, gritty, mature, sophisticated games console? You're not talking about the Wii U, but you may be talking about the PS4 or Xbone.
With Nintendo, they're never boring, or at least stands out more than the other two twins. Gamecube has always been controversial, despite lowest sales of its generation, which got more attention from the videogame community. Wii is far from what PS3 and 360 is, always have. During E3, Nintendo always seems to be the most scrutinized just because they're doing different stuff from what the other two are doing. Guest star appearance on both sony and microsoft, check. Shooters, check. Gritty lifelike game, check. The fan service, check. Rock N Roll enviroment, check. Now if you're talking about NIntendo, they're always doing something weird, but at least they stand out.
Also, the PS4 and Xbox1 have long legs and are going to be this way until we hear more about their VRs, but nintendo has amiibo, the replacement of Club nintendo, NX, DeNA, lowest sales of home console, Nintendo Stock at all time high, DLCs that are just better than what you would expect, and every other thing fans don't like or like about Nintendo. The other two companies, they're just too similiar.