generic-user-1 said:
that would be alot work posting and everyone could look it up on the linked sites faster- but if you take 1 or 2 stocks and make a post about new highs or low, P/E ratio would be nice to see if the stock is rising on ard facts or just on speculation |
It's a little more complicated than that. They haven't "officially" listed any numbers, and the current price is based on mobile market speculation for NTDOY, that is correct, but we do have a pretty good idea of what the deal will show. I'm not sure that NTDOY is currently worth 22$ per share, but they have a report coming out in a couple weeks so we'll know then.
As for Sony, it is definitely based on speculation, but there are some amazing numbers out there so we can't be entirely sure that the speculators are wrong. We've seen three games announced as exclusive from third parties, and that number will continue to grow along with the ps4 sales.
The bump today for Sony is a result of a report that their loss for the past year is 1B yen, which is significantly down from their forecast of 1.45B
This would suggest strong growth.
It's not as simple to look at an EPS or P/E and determine the reason why stocks make moves.