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I'm keeping my distance, super disappointed that AT-AT's will be on rails/scripted, back in BF2 you could control two of those on Hoth and recreating the battle scenes with a snowspeeder felt amazing but it;s not going to feel the same here.

Also DICE and EA haven't really got a solid track record with their other games, they canned C&C generals 2, fucked up BF3, fucked up BF4 and spent a practical year fixing it and with BF3/4 they milked it with DLC, now we've got an article of them claiming they won't Delay for DLC but who's to say they aren't already planning DLC and cutting it from the game ebfore it comes out?, imo dlc should be planned at least half a year after launch and not straight after launch day or the days before it, the latter has been happening so far when it comes to EA/DICE so I'm not getting my hopes up, not with a track record like that, the information we're already seeing just shows that it;s better to wait until weeks to months later when the game will be fixed because it will be a buggy mess since their last handful of games were a mess on launch day and the months that followed.

I couldn't care less about the campaign part, BF1-2 didn't exactly have stellar storytelling and even then they were just multiplayer battles within the same conditions with the exception of killing a specific person or army, nothing really important and even then this game is going with the new trilogy which I'll mainly be watching the movie for anyway than playing the game to watch the movie.

All I want is space battles, contrallable AT-AT's, more maps and online working day 1 or at least day 7 and the price not to be so ridiculous because it's basically an online game like Titanfall.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"