Nuvendil said: Sounds good. That's actually the way it should be done because counting polygons and texture pixels really isn't helpful. All games are downgraded along the way from a letter-of-the-definition perspective; that's a major part of optimization. The question should be how effectively the optimizations preserve the visual integrity of the experience. If they reduced one texture set by 75% but you never see it clear enough to notice, then it was not nearly as bad as reducing a texture by 50% that is constantly in your face and noticeable. To make a rather basic comparison. Also, one design choice I don't agree with right off is the resistance to any kind of prerendering of cutscenes. I don't mean ridiculous high-detail models, but perhaps the high-poly bases for the in game models with higher textures, just to give the scenes a cleaner look. As it stands, you go into cutsenes and often have your face pressed up against textures that were clearly never meant to be seen at such close distances. |
Granted its an odd design choice, I would have done higher quality texture interiors of the dolls and mapped it to switch to these during closeups or internal views, result would have been a clearner presentation at minimal cost, instead it seems they let the doll use its default texture lod, looks fine from a set distance or further but close up to the pilot, as is the case in many cutscenes, really should have been given the additional attention.