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Tachikoma said:
Goodnightmoon said:

Well, I don´t know what you were exactly expecting from a WiiU,  not the best console to play on a 50" TV to be honest. And I don´t know why you feel the need to downgrade the game everytime you see a lot of people happy about it, i really don´t. Is not like people is buying WiiU games for being technically mind-blowing. You have to agree that this game is an amazing achievement on the console.

And btw I´m afraid of your future analysis about the game next week. Because I really don´t know if you are going to do an actual objective analysis from a gamer perspective with everything that you are disapointing but also impress about or from someone trying to shout some Nintendo fans mouths for unknown reasons only highlighting every bad detail of the game from a cold tecnicall perspective. I really hope it´s a fair analysis and not a clickbait one but I don´t really know what to expect.

If you are looking for a tech analysis, then you'll get one, if you're looking for a circle jerk and a reassuring pat on the back, i would suggest avoiding it.

After all, it seems you're already prepping yourself to write off any negatives the analysis brings up as "just hating on it", anyway.

Maybe your expectations were too high. It's a huge open world game on a console that's closer to the PS3 than the PS4. Skyrim definitely looked worse and has a much smaller world.