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It depends on the price cut, £50 might sway some extra sales, IF Sony cold get it to say £275 in the UK and equivalent elsewhere it would help them dominate to a crazy extent this gen. Maybe even a 70% market share. Unlike the previous PS3 where price cuts also came with lost features of the system or redesigns that by the end made the unit look cheap and nasty.

There's nothing on the PS4 that they could take out, of course they may redesign the casing again for a slimmer model in the future ,but i feel if the quality in the build is not there then it may harm it. I bought my PS3' consoles second hand so i could get the original design fat models at a decent price.

Microsoft has already cut the price in the UK of the XBOX One non kinect version down to £299. What's there are current offers for preorder of a Xbox One with Witcher 3 and Batman Arkham Knight for that very price available online. So when Halo 5 launches i would expect to see £299 deals with Halo 5 included. In the UK a bundle like that would shift a lot of consoles.

In the UK more people are coming round to the XBOX one , for me Xbox would win the NPD that week ,the month may be harder as right now the XBOX one deals are very good here in UK, many will bite the bullet early who may have waited for Halo 5 to releases. Seeing how the USA is going though i reckon XBOX ONE would rule in the USA.