ReimTime said:
To your other point, 2900 trophies is more than twice what I have so You aren't that low ranked; at least compared to little ol me lol |
I'm very specific about the games I platinum. They have to be good and magical, of course, but trophies might be too difficult or stupid even the game had these two qualities. Sometimes it's too good and too magical like TLOU that I simply don't feel like overexposing myself to the game.
MGS3 is the only platinum I have of the series because MGS:PW is time consuming and MGS4 requires a lot of rituals to get all the emblems. I played these two games a lot before, and I will certainly get back to them when I marathon the series again after The Phantom Pain. Might even collect a few trophies too. I will try to go for MGS2's again because I'm pretty close.
P.S I have more trophies because i'm a better person than you.... and the winter blues really suck.
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