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If it werent enough that the game has a long campaign that will last for hours this game also gives you the Chalice Dungeons. And let me telll you these dungeons will last more than the campaign itself. You can basicly play these dungeons almost forever and can slay Bosses all the time, because you can always re-summon new chalice dungeons if you have found the materials.

I beat the queen of yhanam in these dungeons the other day to get a trophy and it took me longer than the campaign itself, i actually wanted to get this trophy before beating this game. So yeah it takes almost 1 month to beat the game and getting this trophy providing some what of an exploration in chalice dungeons.

These dungeons arent recycling other enemies and bosses that much, they have exclusive bosses and enemies you will only see in these dungeons. Bloodechoes will be gained there a lot more so higher you progress, and same way with items like very rare runes who are only avaible there. And if you complained about framedrops in the maingame, these dungeons are designed to run at a more stable framerate but they still look amazing in many times.

So yeah as a souls fan you can play this game almost forever and its addicting and fun.

Sony and Fromsoftware didnt have to do that they could easily offered the chalice dungeons as DLC 2 months later and most people wouldnt be bothered as the campaign is long enough, thats why most people didnt even tried the extra content. And its a shame you should try them out.