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Words can not explain how hilarious this is to me. It's obviously not gonna happen, just thought I would share this with you guys xD



Britney Could Be A Character In Nintendo’s Next ‘Super Smash Bros.’

by Bradley Stern 

You know the fanbase is parched when we’re rallying to get our fave noticed by Nintendo.

While the Britney Army not-so-patiently awaits the premiere of the Living Legend’s upcoming collaborations with both disco legend Giorgio Moroder and everyone’s favorite rapper Iggy Azalea (“Pretty Girls”), some fans of The Holy Spearit have since latched on to a poll in order to keep themselves occupied.

As we should all know by now, B-Girl once starred in Playstation 2’s pioneering Britney’s Dance Beat (also available in iconic Nintendo Gameboy Advance form), in which players audition to tour with Godney herself.

Therefore, that makes Britney Spears a legitimate video game character, just like Mario or Link.

Recently, Nintendo put out the call to find new characters for their upcoming editions of Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U.

From Nintendo: “Do you want your favorite video-game character to join the battle in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS/Wii U? Well, here’s your chance. If you post a video-game character’s name, we’ll consider turning that character into a Smash fighter! Please limit your vote to one per person.”

Therefore, that makes Britney Spears eligible to join the battle in Nintendo’s Super Smash Bros.

And so…

But really: Britney would be a perfect addition to Super Smash Bros., not only because she’s been the American Dream since she was 17 (REFERENCE) and a longtime icon of the gaming industry (Twister Dance, anyone?), but because of her impressive arsenal and expert hand-to-hand fighting skills.

For Nintendo’s consideration, here are just some of the potential attacks that Supersmashney could use:

Fembot Fatale

“Work Bitch” Whip

Circus Tour ‘Perez Poppin” Crossbow

Onyx Hotel Twirl Of Terror

 It’s Spitney, Bitch

Glitter Bomb

 Poison Paradise

“Hold It Against Me” Hammer Fist

“I Wanna Go” Mic Whip

Delay O’ Death 

The deadline to vote is October 3, 2015.

You’ve got plenty of time…but let’s be honest, you’re probably not busy.

Get to work, bitch.