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sc94597 said:

Has a video game ever done a coming out of the closet story? I think that would be a much more interesting way to introduce a character as gay. Maybe they are part of the story for a while, and then they come out the closet for whichever reason, and then the other characters deal with it in a respectable manner. I honestly don't see the point of making a new character and then saying, "oh by the way, he/she is homosexual/bisexual!" Alright, why do I care about his/her sexual orientation? I'd like for a gay/bisexual/lesbian chracter that is rounded and normal, who just realistically struggles with social norms which have ostracized them for this one portion of their being. That would interest me. Just labeling a character as non-heterosexual is not interesting. Making them a stereotype is even worse.

This Mortal Kombat character in particular can't come out of the closet due to backlash, on which Raiden replies that he should not care about it at all.