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LongLiveTheBeatles said:
Gamer1211 said:

Hi Everyone, I am from Gamespot and new here.   


<No need to quote the whole thing>


For those of you who still aren’t convinced, the 360 also has the reactive benefit of dropping its price against its competition.   So I will leave it at that and try reply to anything that I see as factual.  If you take it for what it is, it’s not easy to dispute.  I have both consoles but facts don’t lie, going forward it’s obvious to me which platform has the edge here and is clearly not dead.

First of all I'd like to say welcome to the forum, but I respectfully disagree with your post. I know that at gamespot there are a lot more rabid fanboys on both sides of the fence but here most people will argue using some sort of logic.

Anyway, the fact that Microsoft makes more money directly from their gaming division is true, however, Sony's strategy as a hardware developer is a bit more ingenious. 

I'm sure you know that Sony makes HD televisions, cameras, computers, and other products right? Well the PS3 is more or less a tool they used with blu-ray to:

1. Win the HD format war

2. Sell TV's which are products of much greater value

3. Act as a media Hub with everything else made by Sony 

Whatever they initially lost was made up 10 fold through peripheral sales. Not only that but the price has been reduced. I also own both systems and prefer the PS3 because of reliability and the interface. For the moment the Xbox gets most of my playtime because of games like Halo but later this year things will change.

I think Blu ray will successfully take the DVD's place only because major movie studios won't want what happened to the music industry to happen to the movies, and other electronic companies won't allow Microsoft to regain a monopoly over world of consumer electronics. After all they are the main backers of digital distribution. Their stance is rather hypocritical though because once the format war ended they all of the sudden don't believe that discs are the future of the industry while they lose billions backing the HD-DVD.

As for how important the profits of a corporation are to a consumer... it really means nothing to us. What does matter is who sells more consoles to determine who will get more third party games. So far, both systems have gotten a ton so everyone should be happy. (If you really are concerned about profit the RRoD costed Microsoft about 1.2 billion. Sorry, I don't mean to beat a dead horse but I had to.)

LongLiveTheBeatles, very well said! I couldn't agree more, you nailed everything on the spot, especially Sony's strategy... which I completly accept, they do things right in my book