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Yo guys,

Normally I visit this website for game stuff but as my environment couldn't help me further I would like to ask you guys for advice. 

Half a year ago I've met this girl and it felt like we were destined for each other. In our relationship we were best lovers, had amazing times and we're best friends, even if we had difficulties or stress moments in our lives. 

I only had an argument once and we solved this (I became a bit attentive because I reacted jealously once but I apapologised for how I reacted and so did she.  

However what I didn't knew was that her previous relationship ended with us getting together and from what she told me was that it were some of her worst years and that she was really glad to have met me. Someone she thought was perfect for her. 

However out of sudden she lost a spark or something because she felt that she didn't had time for herself.anymore and didn't knew who she was. Before we've met each other she wwasnt happy with her life and when we weren't together (because of school, projects at home etc.) her négative way of thinking returns and that made her realized shat die doesn't want me to be unhappy because of her and she wants to have some time for herself. 

I asked to go through this together as I knew what she was feeling, experiences something similar but even worse and I was lucky I had friends helping me. AfTer last week she wanted to separate stating that I was perfect and she still loves me and that all the feelings and everything we did for each other was sincere and real but as she doesn't know what is wrong with here she cannot continue like this. Confusing me in such a way that I became a wreck for a few days.

Here is a quote: "my friends told me that ever we were together I seem less happy and have little time." I asked how the moments together Were and for actually often amazing. (we have also very busy lives and leadership responsibilities which always makes us a bit edgy but toge th er we can forget everythingt)

I must state that her best friend is influencing because she was the first to tell her that my girlfriend only had time for me and not for her anymore. She is also the one that said that we probably wouldn't be able to talk anymore and I had to move on, how though it was. 

However I'm still able to talk to my girlfriend or ex or whatever and we are going to see each other often. 

She is in a state of hesitation and confirms over and over again that she loves me..Only I don't know what to do anymore. Someone who knows us both very well will talk to her very calmly about these "mood" swings because it also is very difficult for me.

I'll see her next week again so I'm curious to know what to do. 

She really loves me, cares of me, thinks all the time of me (what she and others are telling) but there is something wrong. I think it is her best ffriend as she isn't really seeing that many people Beside her and me and her professional team of working on school 

sidenotes: she studies here, far from family, misses her home sometimes and cannot do her hobbies anymore, she will do voluntary work in summer which is a dream coming true for her)

Stories unfolded with my home made rap songs. Feel free to listen here with lyrics: