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Aeolus451 said:
Mr Puggsly said:
generic-user-1 said:
Burek said:

That most likely isn't so. Playstation really did bring in a lot of new gamers by making gaming appealing to adults.

Nintendo saved console gaming in late 80s, but without PS it would still now be mainly a kiddie hobby. PS expanded the user base, and gave legitimacy to mature gaming. And without PS1, I doubt Microsoft would have ever entered the gaming scene. Without Sony entering the scene, home console gaming would have probably died by the turn of the millenium, Nintendo would still be producing Gameboys for kids, and PC scene would have been much much smaller.

can you please explain what you mean? i dont remember a big spike in mature IPs exklusive on ps, that made things different than other IPs on sega or nintendo...

Another thing is Sony gets way too much credit for appealing to mature gamers. Some Sony fans think teenagers and adults didn't play games prior to Playstation.

I knew adults that enjoyed playing NES, SNES, N64, Genesis, etc. But it wasn't cool until Sony made it so...

Alot of teenagers and adults didn't play many games until playstation came out. Was there a market for mature games before playstation? No. Playstation was the console to buy if you wanted more mature themed games.. Was it sega? Nope. Was it nintendo? Hell no. Even now, nintendo barely dabbles with mature themed games. It has nothing to do with what seemed "cool". It's as simple as playstation having games that appealed to teenagers and adults. Playstation introduced gamers to the likes of Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Metal Gear Solid, Tomb Raider, Twisted Metal, ect when nintendo wouldn't touch games like those. Look at what games sold the best on Playstation. The vast majority of the games on the Playstation were mature or rated for teenagers. You can deny it all you want but surely playstation opened the floodgates on mature games and that's why it was so popular.

Mg was on the nes, resident evil was multiplatt(well it should have been but sega fucked it up), Tomb raider wa a saturn game...

and nintendo had mature games since the nes and has em till today.   just because you are to young to remember games like doom doesnt mean it never existed...

Ps opened the market for casuals, and sony won every time they did  that and lost everytime they went for the core. the ps3 was a massiv flop and sony had to eat a huge amount of loses just to stay relevant, and the vita sales are realy bad. 

the PS brand is the biggest brand because sony just Has playstation, they dont have other brands like nintendo has with mario/pokemon/zelda or sega with sanic...