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BenKenobi88 said:

There's your problem.

The console versions of Valve games suck in comparison to the original PC games. Less players standard (16 compared to 24), lag and bugs, slower, much slower controls, etc.

If you want to hate Valve, whatever, but I'm not going to pay attention to you until you try their games on the PC. Because believe it or not, not all games are best on consoles.

Exactly.  It's an issue of gameplay.  Valve games are designed with the precision and speed of a mouse in mind.  FPSes built for PCs and ported to consoles (CoD, HL2, UT3, etc.) will never deliver the true experience on consoles because that's simply not what the stages, guns, puzzles, and pacing were designed for.

Also, I still don't understand how you can criticizes games that you can't give any details on past the first few minutes Griffin.