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SpookyXJ said:
Bodhesatva said:

Surprised how many people have said Bethesda here. They're my favorite RPG maker now, although that isn't saying much sinec I don't like any RPGs in the first place.

I'll just harp one more time on the fact that openness/interactivity is in direct opposition to story telling, and Bethesda is yet another excellent case to prove the point. Morrowind and even Oblivion are the most open ended RPGs I've ever played, and they also happen to be the less coherent in terms of storyline.

You're all going to have to pick one or the other, I think. People seem to use the term "linear game" as a pejorative, but this also allows developers to tell a story. Do you want open games, or story driven games? Because the more open games get, the less story driven they will become.

Thas exactly why I dont like them although I did enjoy morrowind. I just dont belive a sandbox experience and a complex well told narative have to be mutually exclusive. There is a balance that can be met to please both player preferences.

But it IS a balance. It's not like, say, interactivity and graphics, where you can have more interacitivity and have more graphics at the same time. There's no logical reason not to have more of both. 

With this, it is, as you just said, a balance. You sacrifice one for the other, and a balance between the two needs to be met.">">