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naznatips said:
Bodhesatva said:

Surprised how many people have said Bethesda here. They're my favorite RPG maker now, although that isn't saying much sinec I don't like any RPGs in the first place.

I'll just harp one more time on the fact that openness/interactivity is in direct opposition to story telling, and Bethesda is yet another excellent case to prove the point. Oblivion and especially Morrowind are the most open ended RPGs I've ever played, and they also happen to be the least coherent in terms of storyline.

You're all going to have to pick one or the other, I think. People seem to use the term "linear game" as a pejorative, but this also allows developers to tell a story. Do you want open games, or story driven games? Because the more open games get, the less story driven they will become.

What interactivity? There were no real consequences for anything you did in Oblivion. At worst you go to jail, but most of the time you could just steal a bunch of stuff and no one would ever know. How dull can a game get? An RPG game with no real consequences or results for your actions has no purpose. Why not just sit there and move stuff around on your computer desk?

As far as the actual gameplay goes, the dungeons were repetitive, the combat system was awful and dull, and the world was an empty lifeless mass of green.... except those damn wolves.

 I think you're kind of missing the point of the game to be honest Naz. Its a sandbox RPG and it took the sandbox element to the extreme almost ignoring the idea of a plot (seriously, the plot in Oblivion was shit) and consequence (which was to dumb the entire thing down).

I personally find the idea of a purely sandbox RPG very appealing and thoroughly enjoyed Morrowind and somewhat enjoyed Oblivion although I think the game would be much better with some consequence for your actions, which is why I'm looking foward to F3 which looks exactly like its going to be that.


Personally my ideal RPG would be a sandbox RPG with several strong and engaging plots that are all entirely optional and that your characters actions had plenty of consequences.