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ChronotriggerJM said:
I'm going to go against the current here, but I'm also going to agree with Nintendo. If it weren't for nostalgia I wouldn't have much respect for them :x I feel they butchered most of they're franchises during the gamecube era, (Fox going on foot, Mario Kart turning lame as hell, Metroid becoming a first person shooter, Link becoming a cartoon, mario attempting story, etc etc etc)

I used to really get into Nintendo games, but then I started playing similar titles from other companies and it really hit me hard. I started playing games like Ratchet and clank, Jak and Daxter, and just recently Beyond: good and evil. They follow a similar premise as some of my favorite Nintendo titles, but it just seems like they connect better with more of an audience range. Nintendo just seems entirely too geared for young people. I KNOW I KNOW /receive hell for saying that, but it's like Disney and Dreamworks/Pixar for me. Disney was all about fantasy magic and the enchanted disney kingdom blah blah blah (Nintendo), but when Toy Story came out, it had the whole appeal of animated magic, but it was FUNNY, they had plenty of material that children just wouldn't understand, yet still appealed to them. Pixar films and the Shrek series are movies that I can enjoy and not feel "kiddish" for watching.


 I don't know how you could be a fan of a Nintendo series of old and not appreciate what Nintendo has been able to deliver. Where other developers have struggled to take their frachises to new levels, Nintendo time and time again succeeds (moving franchises to the realm of 3D as well as keeping their gameplay fresh).  Playing Metroid Prime was incredible to me, not because it was a FPS that I could compare to all the other FPS I had played and eventually gotten bored with (Half-Life 2, I'm looking at you - story isn't my motivation for games, it's the fun factor), but because it felt exactly like a Metroid game only now I had a glorious 3D perspective into that world.  I find it hard to believe how anyone could claim that Nintendo has done more harm than good with their franchises.

As for the other bit, I'm 25 and haven't felt kiddish for enjoying a good movie or a good game.  I find it sad a lot of people can't say the same.  That says more to me about your vanity and need to impress others than anything about a particular game or movie.