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Final-Fan said:
Gamer1211 said:
Final-Fan said:
I don't know how much good it will do as it sounds like your opinion is pretty much set in stone, and your post reads more like propaganda than the start of a real debate, but I still want to say a couple of things:

Who has said that Blu-ray will destroy the 360? What I heard people saying was that Blu-ray would destroy HD DVD, which it did, and that it is a better storage medium for games than DVD, which you have not argued against.

Who here has said that the 360 is dead? Only the most rabid of PS3 boosters here have said even that it is "dead in the water" which is far from "dead". Next time you lecture an entire forum, try arguing against something most of them believe.

Such as, for instance, the fact that the PS3 has outsold the 360 consistently throughout this year so far (WW).

Your widget example was just painful to look at.

Hopefully, if you stick around, you'll do more than spew "xbot"-level propaganda, since there is a bit of a shortage of 360 fans around here.
1. Many PS3 fanboys claim that Blu Ray will be the deciding factor in the console war. Go to gamespot and u will see what I am talking about.

2. Umm if you goto Forums and gaming you will see that there are 3 threads talking about the 360 being dead. Moreso, If you goto Gamespot or IGN you will at least 10 so please dont advise me to post about something that is clearly widespread throughout the gaming community.

3. Yes the PS3 has sold the 360 3 out of 4 months this year. I never disagreed or stated anything disputing that and as such I am unsure what you point was.

4. Widget example was to simply prove a point. Based on the types of threads that are posted its not a good assumption to believe that everyone can understand logic when it comes to consoles. Spelling something out to me would be much more effective then posting my opinion.

5. Propaganda? If you could please direct me to your source that discredits or proves that anything I posted is false or does not have fact to back it up.
1. Are we on the gamespot forums? No. In fact we frequesntly laugh at the ignorance rampant there, which would include talk of the 360 being "dead".

2. I didn't see them on the first 3 pages. Please point them out, I admit I skimmed but the closest I saw was a troll thread on Page 2 about GTAIV making 360s brick; the poster got banned and everyone laughed at the article.

4. The widget example was not even remotely on point. How was it a useful analogy for the 360 vs. PS3? Just because the 360 managed to claw its way to profit a little bit faster doesn't mean it didn't employ the same strategy of losing money on the hardware to make it up on software and later in the gen.[*] I agree that spelling out one's argumentation is a good thing; I don't think you did it enough.

[edit:  In short, you say you did the widget example to prove a point but I don't know what you think you were proving.  It's pretty obvious to all that it's better to make money per unit rather than lose money per unit.  You don't need an example to show that and it's NOT what you needed to prove to support your argument.  As it stands your widget example is such a gross oversimplification of the strategy MS and Sony both employed that it loses all relevance to the discussion. 

[*There is also another point to consider:  Sony also was employing the same strategy with respect to Blu-ray inside the PS3 at the same time as it was doing so with respect to the PS3 generally.  So it has even more to potentially gain from that (successful) strategy.]

5. Propaganda doesn't have to be false. I will address this point more fully when I get home from work.

1. No not on gamespot forums true but as this is my first post here most would assume that gamers would share the same mentalities as there counterparts at other sites.  I do not believe that my point in regards to Blu-Ray was unwarrented by any means in the realm of PS3 fanboy's mentalities about the format victory.

2. Here are some links for you from this site.  I also did note that at gamespot and IGN there are many more but I will keep my search to this site for you: - Posted on this thread... - Posted on this thread...

Sorry this site isnt immune to it my friend.


The widget example was to illistrate how last gen with the XBOX, MS was not worried about making a profit on their console and why it is better to sell something at a profit.  If you couldn't get that out of that then I feel for you sir.  It was not meant to be a statistical analysis detailing anything but more so a general picture to MS's new model based on the related podcast in the orginal post.  Please listen to the podcast first and you will understand why I put it in this thread in the first place.


Propoganda: "Propaganda is a type of message aimed at influencing the opinions or behavior of people. Often, instead of impartially providing information, propaganda can be deliberately misleading, or using logical fallacies, which, while sometimes convincing, are not necessarily valid."

I am not influencing anyone or providing false or impartial information.  I have reference all points in the above thread and as such, if you can find links to disprove or falisfy what I have posted that power to you.  If not, I encourage you to reconsider the wording that you are using or continue to look for something that can outweight what I have posted on here.  Given I have used 2 references directly from Microsoft but the information used is further backed in the podcast which again I encourage you to listen to.

Lastly, your comment "I agree that spelling out one's argumentation is a good thing; I don't think you did it enough."  Well if you need more claification or you cannot understand something ensure you let me no.