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naznatips said:
Words Of Wisdom said:
naznatips said:

Yeah, you've lost this argument in quite a grand way.

First of all, you're deflecting. Your original point certainly had nothing to do with engines. Second of all, even your new point is completely wrong.

Starcraft was a 2D RTS running on a completely different engine than Warcraft 3 (a 3D RTS). Starcraft 2 had an entirely new engine developed for it. To see some stuff on how their new engine works check out the Protoss demo on Gametrailers. Heroes and items are not in Starcraft 2, as is confirmed by the developers. For an interview about the gameplay and how different it is check here. For a summary of some key differences check here.

Also, I'm not insulting you, just your points, and you arguing about something you had no knowledge of in the first place. I really hate when people argue for the sake of arguing, and I will shred even people I like (like you) when they do this.

In summary:

You are wrong that they play the same, and you are wrong that they run on the same engines. Blizzard is a high-quality developer that is devoted to making each experience unique, and they build every game from the ground up because of this.

My original point is 100% to do with engines. And I have mentioned Starcraft 2 only in passing (check above for the if it had been released after War3 catch). It's been almost 10 years since the last Starcraft, do you really think I'm suggesting they use that engine for the new one? Or do think it's more likely I was suggesting that had they chosen to do Starcraft 2 after War3 that they would have borrowed on what they built for War3? Stop trying to "win this argument" for a second and think about it logically. Do you really think so little of me that you believe I would take such a ludicrous position?

I also don't think it's fair of you to suddenly say "Oh I thought you were arguing this so you must arguing that and now you're deflecting so I win. Haha." That's not fair at all. You misunderstood what I was saying from the start and now you're playing it off as me changing my position but I'm not.

Come on Naz, I have more respect for you than that. Show me the same.

Jeeze, really pushing the limits of deflecting now. First you said the Craft games were all the same game.  Then you said it was about engines.  Now when I actually show you that all the engines are different, you say that you were never arguing that either.  Do you even have an argument anymore or are you just trying to end this conversation? 

Here's my original quote that got you riled up:  "The *craft series is the same game with a different coat of paint."

It's a car expression.  It's the "same car under the hood with a different coat of paint" expression and I stand by it.  If you want to prove me wrong go ahead.  Compare War2 and Starcraft and show me functionality that one does that the other doesn't that would require completely scrapping the base engine and starting over versus minor modifications.  If they're really as different as you're making them out to be then that should be easy right?  Do so and I will gladly admit my mistake.

What I am doing is arguing that those original games have the same base.  What I am not doing is arguing that their sequels which are coming 10 years apart are the same.  Again, I'm not about to make the ludicrous claim that an engine won't change in a decade as you are repeatedly trying to believe.

You can continue setting up your strawman and knocking him down for all I care, but address my point at least once.