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NewGuy said:

With FFT0 at 75+% share on PS4 in the Xbone's strongest markets (US+UK), one can see why SE decided to go the route they did with SO5.

I'm actually thinking KH3 may be in danger of not coming to Xbone if JRPGs continue to struggle on the system. FFXV is definitely still coming though and that will probably the the decider.

They might be under contract to bring it to the Xbox One, so I don't belive it's in any danger of missing the system. These are also high profile JRPGs to the US market, so Microsoft wouldn't be inclined to let that slide. Other, less popular JRPGs in US markets would be. The obvious example is Star Ocean 5. 

Based on the available library and marketing of Xbox One, anything Japanese game that isn't a "Blockbuster" franchise is in danger of missing the the system. (there are certain words that I want video game advertisers to stop using, and blockbuster is one of them)