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DMeisterJ said:
waron said:
DMeisterJ said:
waron said:
epic as a developer they didn't make even one good game since jazz jackrabbit.
bethesda because The Elder Scrolls series(without oblivion) and Echelon they didn't make any other good game.

Five or six million Gears owners disagree


I have lots!

Square Enix: You're not that good. You can't keep people waiting forever for a game. Losers

BioWare: Seems like their games get a pass just because they have a good storyline. Mass Effect takes for-fucking-ever to load textures, but the game still has a metacritic of 91. Have you seen the textures load on that game? Not saying it wasn't awesome, but it's all the time. And KOTOR too. That game had a slipshod frame-rate that was forgiven. And then, every game is this whole Light/Dark; Renegade/Paragon thing, and no one cares that it's the same good/evil thing every game.

Bethesda: I loved Oblivion, but the game is overrated. The storyline is weak, as is the gameplay, the leveling up is crap too. The only reason I completed oblivion was because I had nothing else to play when the game came out.

And Bungie: Yes marathon was awesome, but Halo 2 and 3 were some of the most overrated FPSs in the history of the world, and have done nothing else beside bring some really good matchmaking to the 360.

/end rant.

yeah and most of them were buying gears because it was first huge game for xbox 360 and it was an online fps and those games are always selling like hotcakes on xbox no matter what.

Or, because it's a critically (and commercially) acclaimed game that breathed (sp?) new life into the shooter genre, introducing a system of cover that has changed the way we play games today...

By that you mean "killswitch" right ?... because as far as i'm aware, that was the game to introduce the famous coversystem now used in every tps (and fps O.o) game.



I think that bungie is overrated. The guys who made oblivion, and .. well i would say EA.. but they just overrates themselves. (no one else does :P)


oh.. and nintendo.. way overrated. 

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