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Words Of Wisdom said:
naznatips said:

I'm still waiting for you to justify your totally bullshit declaration that the Craft games are the same. If you really think that, you either know nothing about RTS games, or you haven't played them and are making up BS. Either way, my respect for you is dwindling by the minute as you continue a discussion you clearly aren't prepared for. I warned you not to continue this discussion.

Why? Because the engine under the hood for War3 is likely an upgraded version of the originals? Do you really think Blizzard is in the business of rebuilding on its own technology here and is reinventing the wheel for all their RTS games? I'm not saying the games are clones of one another, I'm saying a majority of the code running underhood the hood is common between the various games. You do not reinvent the wheel to change a tire. If Blizzard had released Starcraft 2 right after War3 you'd likely have seen more sophisticated hero/item handling abilities in Starcraft 2 as well (we may still see them yet).

When you build a smooth running engine for a game (especially one that ran as beautifully as those did), you do not simply throw it away and start over if you intend to build a game of close to the exact same nature. The Infinity Engine didn't simply go away when Bioware was done with the original Baldur's Gate. It went on to power Baldur's Gate 2 which is a huge step up in gameplay from the original in almost every way... yet still the same underlying core engine.

And I'm getting tired of your insults Naznatips. They violate rule 8 of the Forum Rules as well.

Yeah, you've lost this argument in quite a grand way.

First of all, you're deflecting. Your original point certainly had nothing to do with engines. Second of all, even your new point is completely wrong.

Starcraft was a 2D RTS running on a completely different engine than Warcraft 3 (a 3D RTS). Starcraft 2 had an entirely new engine developed for it. To see some stuff on how their new engine works check out the Protoss demo on Gametrailers. Heroes and items are not in Starcraft 2, as is confirmed by the developers. For an interview about the gameplay and how different it is check here. For a summary of some key differences check here.

Also, I'm not insulting you, just your points, and you arguing about something you had no knowledge of in the first place. I really hate when people argue for the sake of arguing, and I will shred even people I like (like you) when they do this.

In summary:

You are wrong that they play the same, and you are wrong that they run on the same engines. Blizzard is a high-quality developer that is devoted to making each experience unique, and they build every game from the ground up because of this.