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Zanten said:
Dark_Feanor said:
Aura7541 said:

What Ethomaz just said plus this:

Bloodborne: 1 million sold in 10 days
Dark Souls II: 1.2 million shipped in 3 weeks (PS3, 360, PC)

It's the fastest selling game out of Demon's Souls, Dark Souls I & II, and itself while being only on one platform that has a substantially smaller userbase than the PS3, 360, and PC combined. I doubt From Software is losing any sleep over missing out on XBO and PC sales considering the profit margins from only needing to develop for one platform.

Where you here last year with the Titanfall madness?

Well, in my opinion people have to be true to their opinions over time.

It all depends on how much Sony paid(helped) From Software.

Unless we start assuming that BB sold more because it was a exclusive and people bought by their braggin rights, not because it was good or grow uppon the popularity of Souls series.

If that was the case, where is The Order milestone in sales?


Actually, preeeetty sure that this was a case of Sony essentially contracting From to make them an exclusive Souls-y game, meaning they provided the bulk of resources needed to develop the title in the first place. A bit like, say, Alan Wake, wherein the developer isn't one of Microsoft's, but Microsoft did provide them with the funding to develop the title; in the case of choosing platforms, it was entirely Microsoft's decision, as they owned the IP. I remember that even Alan Wake's PC release came only after the develop basically asked Microsoft for permission/support in doing so, meaning their upcoming title's platforms will similarly be up to Microsoft in the long run.

So while, don't get me wrong, I'm certain that From will work on other Dark Souls titles, and maybe even do with Bloodborne what they did with Demon's Souls (ummmm Bloodbirthed! ...Phlehmborne! You get the gist,) any actual direct sequel to Bloodborne, using its setting, etc, etc, would inevitably be a Sony exclusive, as Sony has control of the IP, just as they did with Demon's Soul. (Something they're quite strict on when funding a title's development, to avoid something like Crash Bandicoot, wherein they poured money into development and advertising, only to have the property go multiplatform.)

On a similar note, though, I'm actually interested in seeing what happens to Sunset Overdrive's IP, if any sequels happen. Unlike Bloodborne, part of the deal with Microsoft was letting the studio retain control of the IP, so basically they can take the property elsewhere if they want; while the deal likely has the current game locked to exclusivity indefinitely, any sequels could conceivably be multiplatform if another publisher offers them a better deal/more funding than Microsoft.


At this stage, it's uncertain whether they would go multiplat or not. This is a time when a lot of studio's are starting to go exclusive playstation. We just had a star ocean exclusive announcement that I'm sure nobody saw coming.