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As far as the business side of things... Who makes more MS or Sony, I'm sure most gamers could care less about that, which I think cancels out half of what you said

Which brings us to games. I think the 360 is getting the 'Dead' feeling because the PS3 currently has more/better games coming out (I know ill get attacked for this, I'm just speaking of hi-profile games that will easily sell 5 Million, like Final Fantasy, GT5, MGS4, etc)

Don't get me wrong, the 360 has some great games coming too, but nothing huge like FF/MGS/GT5/Home

I believe thats the major reason, there are other little reasons that are making the PS3 look good such as Home, BluRay victory, No Hardware Issues, etc

Im not trying to say this is how 'I' feel about it, I very much could hate Sony myself and not like any of the games above... I'm simply stating this is what I hear, this is how the market is right now, this is the vibe I get from hearing what people have to say

I personally don't think the 360 is dead, nor the PS3 nor the Wii (Obviously), they all are doing fantastic in sales. Dead would be Dreamcast, dead would be Xbox1, dead would be 3DO, and this generation theres too many unique features each console has to be considered dead any time soon