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Well, first, given TV isn't exactly a bastion of quality when it comes to this kind of stuff, it isn't so much about Youtube as it is general human nature. o.O Reality television shows, the shows that involve essentially stalking some celebrity or another, the shows that dramatically document some (sorry) REALLY boring looking jobs, like Truck Drivers or cake decorators or God Knows What... whether it's due to celebrity status, personality

In my case, there's really only one main gaming channel I watch (Markiplier) and that's typically because he plays random Flash games and small indie titles that I've never heard of, and really wouldn't play myself. The only other time I watch things like this is when there is a specific GAME that I myself have played, greatly enjoyed, and want to see others' reactions to and takes on. Kind of like when you've watched Game of Thrones, and you convince a friend to watch it with you, and you're reeeeally curious as to how they react during each gruesome death of a character they adored. =D Bloodborne was the most recent such example; after I finished it, I poked around to watch others' blind Let's Plays and skipped around to specific bosses or areas not because the game itself was what I wanted to watch, but rather because, again, wanted to see the 'NopenopenopenopeNOPE' reaction others shared when snaked suddenly burst through a random dude's head.

Zanten, Doer Of The Things

Unless He Forgets In Which Case Zanten, Forgetter Of The Things

Or He Procrascinates, In Which Case Zanten, Doer Of The Things Later

Or It Involves Moving Furniture, in Which Case Zanten, F*** You.