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SpokenTruth said:

Games released on another platform long after the initial release do not have any effect on what the game did initially as an exclusive so therefore it shouldn't matter.

If they get announced for another console prior to the release of the original (a la RE4 for PS4 announced before it launched on GC) then it counts against.

However, the game should not be added to the list for the second console at all.

The lists aren't intended to demonstrate the effect of a game, they're just a linear present day comparison, so time frames aren't entirely relevant. We don't live in the past after all (though i might add a yearly chart that includes timed exclusives; that would be quite interesting).

A 'true' exclusive (in the present day) means a game that is on literally no other platform. To that extent, it doesn't matter if it was a timed exclusive like Mass Effect (which didn't arrive on PC for several months, and the PS3 until 5 years after its original release), or games like TLOU, XC, and Halo 3/4 that ended up on 8th gen systems. Those games are ultimately now available on more than one platform, thus are not a literal true exclusive. That said, I think taking them away would remove some of the list's usefulness (it remove the ability to make comparisons within the context of a generation), which is why i'm considering having 2 seperate versions. That way everyone is happy.

I agree that those games shouldn't be added to their successor's 'true' list, which is why the 2nd version would limit exclusives to their original gen and prior (so something like TLOU would never be considered a true PS4 exclusive). It makes sense to include those titles in the console exclusive graph though, since that's the whole point in it :p