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outlawauron said:
Zekkyou said:

Do you mean will titles like TLOU get removed from the true PS3 list?

TLOU and Xenoblade are the two examples that spring to mind. MGS4 if brought elsewhere would be another consideration.

I'm not 100% sure yet how i'm going to handle those. On one hand removing them would be logical, since the traditional definition of a 'true' exclusive is pretty black and white. On the other hand though, removing titles like TLOU, XC, and Halo 3/4 as they're released in various other forms taints the direct PS3 vs Wii vs 360 comparison that existed prior to the 8th gen starting, which is something i'd like to avoid.

What i'll probably do is just have 2 separate lists; one which is a literal 'true' list, and another which is limited to the 7th gen and prior. The latter is what i'm currently doing, so it'll just be a matter of creating the former. It's a little extra work, but it solves the issue without creating new ones.