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Materia-Blade said:
Zekkyou said:

Considering the WiiU's hardware limitations it's really not a debate. Even the PS4 and X1, both a significant power jump over the WiiU, can't run TW3's environments at max (at least not at 900-1080p/30fps).

I doubt you'd find many people who would pick the left side were they asked which looked more graphically impressive (top for ranged geometry, bottom for local. If you have better pics for either feel free to send them to me and i'll edit it).

I disagree about it being a discussion for another thread. Seems like a fairly logical extension from the topic and your comment.

Neither set of pics has an obvious winner for graphics. Resolution, maybe, but not graphics.

By the way, wich version of the wichter are those pics from?

I pick XCX because of art design and world design is also very vertical plus mech. I have played many games with a realistic setting in fantasy games. Been there done that and yes I will likely play TW3 but XCX created a new and unique world. I rather play thatif I choice between the 2 worlds.