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Words Of Wisdom said:

I kind of agree with you. Except for maybe SM-RPG, the stories in Mario games are mediocre at best. But then again, for example no one buys Soul Calibur or DoA for the stories either. They buy them for the gameplay. ^_^

Maybe best is going a bit far, but it easily crushes everything else on the gamecube (Baten Kaitos, Tales of Symphonia...etc).

Yeah I'll totally agree with you on like Mario RPG, or the Paper Mario series, I do find those interesting enough for me to play through :P I just think Mario Sunshine walked a road that Mario should have been forbidden from >_>;; Saving villagers, talking bowser, ug... it was a nightmare xD I just think the best times I've ever had with Mario and the wavelength it should have stayed on were all in the 2D side scrollers. Those massive levels with the tubes that seemed to go nowhere, the stages where 8 million cannons were firing at you, where getting to the end of the stage simply meant advancing to the next one. I'm not sure I even like this whole "the goal is to collect stars!" out look that the series has now. I dunno, maybe I'm just too old school with my Mario's :P

Absolutely agreed with about the Story in Soul caliber, I'm not sure how they do it though, it never feels like the emphasis of the game, maybe because that's only in the single player and the real meat of the experience is the Multi, whereas Nintendo first party blockbusters tend to be the single player thats the dull aspect for me :/  I LOVE they're party games.  They're fantastic amounts of fun and require zero commitment to understanding and immersing one's self. 


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