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I get what your saying WoW, and it's not that I need a reason to play a game at all :P I ENJOY the way video games can toss stories out there, you can go see a movie, and dump "x" amount of money to see it , but you don't quite understand the characters, you only see them. In a video game you get to live the experiences and I think that's pretty damn cool. So where I'm coming from, is that I ENJOY the game play, but I also enjoy the stories, I just have little reason to play a game that only meets one of my needs when I can find plenty out there that do both :P

I'd have been much happier with Mario as a series if they just went back to the original scope of it, wander level to level and not ever even need a reason to do so. Story in Mario games literally makes me feel stupid. Sometimes I don't even want to return said item because I just hate that character that much xD (I do because I can be quite the completionist, but I think the point gets across)

I guess I just really miss the days of Super Mario World :P No bullshit story, just Mario, 1up's, and Stages with time limits :P

But like I mentioned it's not a "need" to have them from video games, it's just I've seen the light at the other end so to say, and I have little reason to look back :x
I am quite the fan of Movies and what not, but I just believe there is a world where video games can take you that movies just can't :P And I kinda like it ^^ I've always been a big story driven gamer, and for my tastes Nintendo just doesn't do it for me :P In my opinion I've played better. But that doesn't stop Ocarina of Time from being the highest rated game ever, which I feel is severely over-rated :P

I do agree with Sky's of Arcadia, it was pretty cool ^^ I wouldn't say best of the generation :D But good for sure :P And your points on Capcom were dead on xD Battle Network was terrible >

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