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ChronotriggerJM said:



@Nintendo part: Nintendo comes from a time where people would plug the game into the system and play. Games didn't need complicated stories back then, they needed to be fun to play. I think it's interesting to see the attitude of a lot of people these days as they literally need a reason to play a game. I agree that you're not going to find heavily narative works among the majority of Nintendo games (save maybe Fire Emblem...etc), but what ever happened to the concept of playing a game because it was fun. Too many games seem to only motivate the player with promises of pretty cutscenes or "more story" rather than simple fun. There are movies for the former and books for the latter, but games are the place to go for fun. Nintendo gets that; even if some people don't.

@Sega part: Sega seems to only put out maybe a gem or two every so often. Right now I'm playing through Skies of Arcadia and I'm leaning toward calling it the best RPG on the Gamecube and maybe the best one I've played in the last generation. Maybe it's the fact that the main character isn't an idiot or angsty or maybe it's the feeling of adventure, but Sega managed to nail something just right in that game to make me very happy.

@Capcom: Megaman was one of the best franchises around in the 8-bit and 16-bit eras. Megaman X, X2, and X3 were awesome as were every Megaman game that came before them. Heck, even Megaman Soccer was freaking awesome and it was a soccer game. I think the transition changes to the PS such as the voice acting and several more things killed the series for a long time. I was unimpressed with X4 and never finished X5/X6.

Also... I hate the Battle Network games. It was like Capcom suddenly said "Let's take a concept completely different than Megaman and then shoehorn the Megaman franchise name into it somehow for a cashin." Disgusting.

Agree with BoF. Great series that has gone downhill. Also... my only problem with Street Fighter is that after Street Fighter 2 Turbo, the series never changed too drastically. Whereas other fighting games are evolving, improving, and defining their niches... Street Fighter has remained unchanging with the times. Some will undoubtedly love that, but I expect a bit more...