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I'm going to go against the current here, but I'm also going to agree with Nintendo. If it weren't for nostalgia I wouldn't have much respect for them :x I feel they butchered most of they're franchises during the gamecube era, (Fox going on foot, Mario Kart turning lame as hell, Metroid becoming a first person shooter, Link becoming a cartoon, mario attempting story, etc etc etc)

I used to really get into Nintendo games, but then I started playing similar titles from other companies and it really hit me hard. I started playing games like Ratchet and clank, Jak and Daxter, and just recently Beyond: good and evil. They follow a similar premise as some of my favorite Nintendo titles, but it just seems like they connect better with more of an audience range. Nintendo just seems entirely too geared for young people. I KNOW I KNOW /receive hell for saying that, but it's like Disney and Dreamworks/Pixar for me. Disney was all about fantasy magic and the enchanted disney kingdom blah blah blah (Nintendo), but when Toy Story came out, it had the whole appeal of animated magic, but it was FUNNY, they had plenty of material that children just wouldn't understand, yet still appealed to them. Pixar films and the Shrek series are movies that I can enjoy and not feel "kiddish" for watching. 

I feel Nintendo (usually) gets it right with the gameplay, but every other aspect of they're games are a literal drill to the brain, anytime anything story/character related comes up in a Nintendo game I just want to skip it, I have no literal care for what they're attempting to tell me, it's not going to be funny, it's not going to be immersible, it's not going to apply to me at all :/. They're games play fine, but every other appeal to Nintendo is lost to me, I'd rather play games from company's that get every aspect right, and not just have a single appeal. 

And sorry SC >< But the Metroid Prime series is a massive knife to my back and that series can go suck it ;/





Forget about sonic, after Sonic 2 (which to be honest I never quite saw the appeal of), Sega has been a company that just always seems to be missing something. The whole Grandia series was pretty good, but for a story driven game, they're ability to tell a story was awful  >< Even the text felt out of place... I dunno, Shenmue... I have no idea why people love this series so much :x I tried to get into them but just laughed out how lame I thought they were >< (did anyone else accidentally let out a laugh when they show flashbacks of his father getting killed?), Virtua fighter, I'm not sure what it is about this series that makes me feel empty, but I find the characters to be a snooze fest, the game animations to be lame as hell, the overall flow of a fighting game to be non-existent :/

They've made a few MASSIVE strides this generation and I will admit I'm rather impressed. Condemned looked friggin awesome and I'm really interested in Valryrie of the battlefield, but I find almost all of they're past games disastrously flawed :x




Breath of Fire. 1st and ESP the Second were fantastic games! Everything after went to ass >_> 

I'm sorry VGChartz, some of the following you may find offensive.

Megaman (good, not great, got pretty damn lame once we hit X(insert random numbers followed by letters), and they 3D onces are almost painful.

Resident Evil ALL OF THEM. Can go suck it and die.

Onimusha, Swords and martial weapons = cool. BULLSHIT resident evil controls = DIE AND GO JOIN THE SUCK IT PILE.

Monster Hunter = God what does Japan see in this game? I will admit, I've only EVER played the first one on the PS2, but man did that game blow ass :/

Street Fighter = The first time I laid eyes on this game, it was Destiny. I was born, to hate this series. I'm not sure why I hate it so much, but man I just find it tacky beyond belief, I think the anime's were ok (they're anime artist draws some pretty hot stuff) but everything else can go to hell >_>

Lost Planet = Meh.

Devil May Cry! What's this? No resident evil controls?! Swords?! Guns!?! Over the top acting?! My god Capcom's finally done something right!


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