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Well i thought i was lucky

I thought i could go forever without it

then last night in the middle of some COD4 online it happened...

First it just froze... then those 3 little red lights flashed in my face saying "hahahaha you suck"

ok ok well it didn't say that but it sure sounded like it.

I had my 360 for almost 2 years and i thought i was immune to this but i guess not, i do have to say tho it really makes me not want to buy games for my 360 once i get a PS3.  i mean why buy games for a console that has a good chance of breaking when i can buy ones for a console that doesn't have the same issues...

yeah i know live is better but i figrue sony has to catch up with the online some day right?.... right?

ok sorry just wanted to get that out there now i'm going to go back to the real world... its scary out there....