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Yi-Long  +   1h ago
This SHOULD be an absolute system-seller, if Nintendo doesn't screw up the western release, by releasing it as a retailer-exclusive, by releasing it as dub-only, or by basically just ignoring to market it properly... because obviously WE all know about the game because we're on gaming sites like these, but many MANY more casual gamers are completely unaware of Xenoblade... so they need to be hyped up by a decent marketing campaign. 

Nintendo really needs to nail this in all areas, cause now that Zelda is postponed, this is pretty much their only core-gamer system-seller for this year for the WiiU...
#4.1(Edited 1h ago) | Agree(3) | Disagree(1) | Report | Reply 100% 50%;">;"> 0px -40px;" href=""> 0px 0px;" href="">wonderfulmonkeyman  +   1h ago
Yeah, that's the one area in which I've almost fully lost faith in Nintendo. 
If it weren't for their Nintendo Directs (Reggie Vs Iwata will be forever legendary.XD) and Amiibo, I would be convinced they've forgotten how to advertise at all. 
It's the one thing that worries me, because I agree with you; this deserves to sell, and sell BIG. 
But given Nintendo's track record with advertisement, I'm still worried. 
I'm sure I'll enjoy the hell out of this game regardless, though, so even if sales don't hit huge numbers, I'll still be all smiles. 

On an unrelated note, I was surprised to learn that there's gonna be an In-the-cockpit viewpoint for the DOLLS. 
That's really freaking cool!
These two post sum up some my concerns.