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Baryonyx said:
PwerlvlAmy said:

They come off as if every naughty dog game is a second coming and come off as very arrogant for the most part to me. Not all,but a lot of them do. It's rather annoying

How is that a problem? everyone does that, not only with naughty dog. Halo? COD? Gears of war? LOL? Bayonetta?. It's the exact same arrogance.
If i had to pick the worst out of these, including the Naughty dog fanbase, i would go for COD fans to be the worst. They will hate on you so damn hard for the smallest reasons possible.  I ignore arrogance, cause everyone is proud of what they are fans of, it's actually quite natural and some is more dedicated then others, but you can't get a worse dedication when you are starting to get threats and violent messages just because you killed a dude in COD way to many times. you won't find that in the Uncharted MP or TLOU MP, Not even from LOL

I find this ironic, considering that I do got death threats in TLOU MP and UC3 MP, then again, I'm the unfortunate lone wolf who always seems to run into the worst players and rarely any respectful individuals.