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I really hate what Youtube's turned into, it's a hive of talentless ad revenue exploiting hacks and self important pricks who really need to fuck off.

The majority of vlogs are the same, some happy-clappy ukulele music playing in the background as two charisma-less fucks read Twitter questions and shit. There's the odd sketch that'll be as funny as finding a lump on your baws. Just about every prank channel is a rip-off of Vitalyzdtv and LAHWF with their "it's a prank, bro" and "how to pick up wheelchair-bound midget lepers" schtick.

From Totalbiscuit to ReviewTechUSA and all the reruns inbetween, I really don't understand why people pay any attention to "reviewers" on there either. They're not time-tested big brand companies, intellectual geniuses or actual critics, they're arrogant fucks with opinions and Youtube channels. There's no comedic value either, they come off as snobbish shitebags who'd be working in ASDA or Walmart if it wasn't for Youtube. 

Where's the joy in watching some unfunny prat playing a game when you could do it yourself? Shouldn't you judge whether or not you're going to buy something from trailers and actual reviews? Or do people honestly need PewDiePie's seal of approval before they buy a game? There's no surprise, you know were to go and what to do, it wastes it. If anything seeing how a game's story plays out would be enough to put me off buying it. I mean, what's the point, you know how it ends.