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I'm 19 whats her number?

Seriosuly I only joke cuz I'm surprised u joked in some of yer posts, I mean all this happens and u can still laugh? I'm honeslty impressed, I mean thi is obviously not a laughing matter, it's just remarkable how laughter is the best medecine. Thats not a stupid saying it really is, and I truly truly hope you see the error of your ways, and realize what you had to be the greatest thing anyone can ever have, a loving daughter and a fiancee, and I ope she does take you back, not only for you, but for your little girl. I was 8 when my parents got divorced, and I still get that feeling deep inside when I think about it, guilt, shame call it whatever, it's there, and it will never go away. Don't let your daughter go through that. No one should.