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Hiku said:
Materia-Blade said:
Hiku said:

What I mentioned in my OP and the post you quoted was that it started quite a bit before the console reached 4 years old. Just looking at the number of releases for the years in the west. If this just began now, I wouldn't be as surprised. Though I'd still be surprised that it misses games like Resident Evil: Revelations 2 even now. I don't see the reason for this, no matter how old the console is.

It only started late 2014, when it was already 3 and a half years old. and it's not like there are few games coming, only less than before.

No, there has consistently been less releases for the console with each passing year since its release.
So the decline started since Day 1. And 2014 saw about half the number of releases compared to the 3DS's debute year, which wasn't even a full year as it released in March 2011 in the west.

2011 - 95
2012 - 76 (80%)
2013 - 72 (75%)
2014 - 53 (55%)
2015 - 21 (22%) (Including announced upcoming games.)

The fact that every year has been significantly worse than the debute year (which wasn't even a full year) is a bad sign. It never had a better year after release, in spite of a price cut and XL version to increase the install base.
There are likely more games to be announced for 2015, but it's really not looking good right now. For a 4 year old console, that's an extremey low number. Especially considering its 50m install base. And there's no excuse for missing out on the sequel to the game that originated on the system, RE: Revelations. Especially when Vita, well into it's 4th year and with only a 5th of the 3DS's install base is getting it.

seems like a very small difference untill 2014. nintendo did it's job, third parties are the one that didn't release as much games as on ds.