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NEVER.. Though games may come online eventually as gamers move on to the next big thing, it's pointless running servers where no one plays..

But as a online console the Wii U will always have some online functionality.

Things like Amazon Prime instants and Netflix wont lose out by not letting the systems stream shows.
The browser will always be there. and Miiverse is the portal where Nintendo fans can connect to talk about new things ,Nintendo would be foolish to end the service on Wii U ,which i think they will not as long as the infrastructure is there for Miiverse on other platforms.

And eshop will still see them making money from VC titles and such like i reckon much like you can still access the Wii shop to buy games. ( that's nearly nine years now) , Nintendo won't lose the chance to make money on eshop titles for Wii U and 3DS even when new platforms are in place ,because the games are there and people will buy them if there available. Also with so many people stating that they will but Wii U when Starfox or Zelda come out or even X .. Nintendo won't risk not making money from these late adopters of the system.

In all honesty the Wii U has so many great exclusives right now it seems ludicrous to wait for one game to buy in to it. Of course unless money is a issue ,but then we all want things we just can not afford at the moment we want them.. but if the cash is at hand and with the crazy deals around , whooaaaa! it's gaming heaven.