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Nem said:
Ka-pi96 said:
Nem said:
I dont know how anyone can even sugest this after we see the case study that is SEGA. It was the worst decision ever.

Was it? They were nearing bankruptcy when they were still making consoles. They went third party in 2001 and now they are still around 14 years later. Considering if they had kept making consoles they likely would have went bankrupt and wouldn't exist anymore I'd say that was a good decision.

Besides that, on the game quality front I'd say they are now better than ever!

You consider this staying around? They retreated to mobiles because they are so incompetent at everything they do. They lost all their talent. It would have been best to just bankrupt. They just went for the slow death instead of the quick one. Now instead of looking at them with nostalgia, we look at the with contempt.

Also, Nintendo is nowhere near banktupting atm. Completely different situation.

Errr... i couldnt disagree more with the last statement. I would like to know which game they make you think is particularly good.

The fact that Sega was almost financially insolvent meant going 3rd party was a matter of survival, not a choice. The time to go 3rd party is when the choice is made freely and on the basis of a company that is financially sound, can continue to employ its most creative and talented people and can afford to invest in top quality games. And even with all the negatives with Sega's financial situation they have made some top quality games since going 3rd party. Valkyria Chronicles and Yakuza immediately spring to mind. They've also made some idiotic decisions, like VC2 and 3 going to PSP. They've also collaborated with Nitnendo on some successful projects like the Mario and Sonic series of games.

Nintendo would keep its best hardware people too by staying in handheld hardware, where all of their hardware sucess has been over the last almost 20 years apart from the fleeting Wii years.

I think Nintendo will have one more throw of the home console dice, and if they can make something next  gen that does even half as well as Wii they'll stick with it. But if they have another GC/Wii U I think they'll walk away from home console hardware.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix