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Skullwaker said:
Hiku said:
Which games do you have?

I have Fire Emblem, Bravely Default, Pokemon X, Mario Kart 7, Project X Zone, Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward, Phoenix Wright 5, Phoenix Wright vs. professor Layton, Zelda: A Link between Worlds. Also plan to pick up SMT4, and Majora's Mask among games that are already out.
For me personally I experienced a slowdown in games that interest me pretty much right after I bought the console. Compared to the many great games that had already come out during its then short 2 years on the market. Though personal tastes asside, I think it's clear that it is simply getting less releases as of late, and that may very well be because it's nearing the end of its lifecycle. But it's a bit strange that games like Resident Revelations 2 are not on 3DS, when they even put it on the Vita. Why do you think that is?

If no more games come out (not even Fire Emblem if or Bravely 2) then I wouldn't say I'd feel very satisfied. However, I wouldn't be completely let down either. I got the console when it was on sale for $130, so 11 or so games for that price isn't bad. Though in comparison I have about 40+ games for my PS3 that I paid $210 for.

FE: Awakening, Super Mario 3D Land, Bravely Default, Pokemon Y, Mario & Luigi: Dream Team, Kirby Triple Deluxe, Majora's Mask 3D, Ocarina of Time 3D, A Link Between Worlds and Animal Crossing: New Leaf. Plan on picking up SMT IV, Xenoblade 3D, some Layton and Wright games, etc. in the near future.

I have no idea why Revelations 2 isn't on 3DS, especially when the first one sold so well. Maybe Capcom is just an asshole, lol.

They wanted to reach more platforms so they can sell more there instead of just one platform. Also Handhelds are declining so its not future proof to have a series on that instead they wanted to move to future proof platforms to gain sales and fans for the future games. They could have done a port but 3DS is too weak to to port a Home console game made for PS4/XB1 in mind so you have blame Nintenod for having such a weak harware and differnet artchitecture with development tools. Now nintendo trying to foucs on good development tools for handheld ports but they its too late as handhelds are being domniated by Mobiles/Tablets slowly and will be more in future considering Level 5 support of their games in mobiles and Nintendo want to license their games to mobile where there is big growth.

GAMING is not about spending hours to pass/waste our time just for fun,

its a Feeling/Experience about a VIRTUAL WORLD we can never be in real, and realizing some of our dreams (also creating new ones).

So, Feel Emotions, Experience Adventure/Action, Challenge Game, Solve puzzles and Have fun.

PlayStation is about all-round "New experiences" using new IP's to provide great diversity for everyone.

Xbox is always about Online and Shooting.

Nintendo is always about Fun games and milking IP's.