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Gaming Discussion - Why VR? - View Post

Like AR, VR probably has more use outside of gaming than inside it. However unlike motion controls VR can be implemented in any and all games, because at its core it is merely another was to see your games not a way to interact with games, though no doubt head tracking will be a feature of games that make use of VR. So long as all games can be viewed through VR then VR fans will be able to adopt VR for use in all their games. But if VR is only useable on VR enabled games then it will have a very limited lifespan because not many games will use it.

For VR to have a snowball's chance at succeeding it needs to be implemented in the most popular franchises: CoD, Fifa, Gran Turismo (PS4), and GTA. And in the case of Morpheus Sony needs to put some muscle behind it with its first party studios, in addition to GT of course.

But even then, it will only sell to a minority of gamers.

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Jimi Hendrix