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Kasz216 said:
The_vagabond7 said:

Good lord, This is just ridiculous. So anywho, ben stein had little to do with the movie he was just a hired voice for the film. The movie was planned and written by Kevin Miller who claims his research for the film came from books such as "From Darwin To Hitler" which is a propaganda book in and of itself. His blog also has a religion section where he talks about how emotionally moving it was to be yards away from the pope. In his blog he shows his ridiculous bias with the comment

" one is arguing that Darwinism is a sufficient condition for Nazism, but it is a necessary one, because Darwinism provided the philosophical and scientific justifications for pre-existing prejudices and hatreds."<---(if anyone here believes this I will explain how stupid of an argument that is)

Also to quote ben stein (When asked what prep work he did for the movie):
"[I did] Some [reading to prep for Expelled]. I read one book cover to cover, From Darwin to Hitler, and that was a very interesting book--one of these rare books I wish had been even longer."


Anybody that thinks that this is a sound, thought provoking documentary has got to open their eyes. This is a propaganda film that uses extremely dirty underhanded methods to create the illusion of controversy. Go to for both a very thorough refutation of the claims in the movie, but also a look at how the movie was made and who made it. It's disgusting, it's intellectual vandalism, and it's crap like this that is hurting our education system.

 Well I could see how Darwnism would give some false justification for the killing of the hanicapped or at least their sterilzation along with those who have gentic disorders.  Other then that it'd seem you'd want as diverse a gene pool as you could get... unless like, you found that jewish people and gypsies were less likely to have beneficial mutations. 

Really ANY genetics would lead you to that kind of "justification" for sterilizing or killing the handicapped and those with genetic diseases... if you wanted to go all amoral and facist on people anyway.

The rest of it of course seemed very Anti-Darwin as Hitler's goal was to bring everyone to one genetic clone basically the ultra german.  Which would be unable to adapt and when the wrong circumstance occured collapse. 



If we want to be accurate, here, the real precursor to Nazism (in a scientif context) comes from Herbert Spencer, whose notions of Social Darwinism informed Nazi social theory. The problem is that, despite the name, Spencer's  Social Darwism actually predates Origin of the Species - Darwin's name was added later (I guess to give it added credibility).  Unfortunately it is also Spencer who coined the term "survival of the fittest", which is also used today as a synonym for natural selection (though some will take issue with this).

Spencer was also not truly Darwinian. Spencer believed that evolution progressed along predetermined pathways (Darwin did not), and his notions of "superiority" purely Lamarckian, not Darwinian. However Spencer was far from an evil man and would have been horrified by the Nazi program.

To push the date even further back, the seeds of eugenics can be traced alllll the way back to Plato. Sparta (of 300 fame) practiced a ruthless but primitive eugenics program that would later earn the praise of Adolf Hitler.