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^ Metal Gear Solid 2?

FF7, fine, I'll appreciate that opinion, I dissagree with it but acknowledge it. FFX, whatever, I played it and enjoyed it, my little sister and all her friends who hang out at hot topic like it too. But MGS2 was the without question the most dissapointing of the MGS series, a clumsy awkward game and a red flag in any "best games ever" list. It's a game whose praise is typically associated with highschoolers who think pop culture movies like the Matrix or Equilibrium are "deep". Shame on you for trying to sneak that in there. And FF8, what the heck, I mean, I liked it too, but this doesn't deserve to be in the top 50 much ales the top 10.

Your list cries out to me also in that every game on it was either the pawn of well oiled P.R. & hype machine or is an obvious popular choice of the gaming community. Try going out on a limb for a change, don't let popular opinion or media machines guide your choices. This isn't to bash your opinion, but seriously....

How can every thread that deals with FF7 degenerate into a bitter debate as to whether or not it was better game than FF6 yet no body here bothers to even try and push FF6 as a viable choice in this listing? Has anyone here actually played games prior to 1997?